Cement Plants

The cement plant sector uses numerous continuous handling systems to deliver bulk components through various stages of cement manufacturing. There are a wide variety of chains for handling (mechanical, forged, marine). For thirty years, we have provided several chains for elevators, mass conveyors, scrapers, and conveyor scales and have many clients among the major international groups (Lafarge, Italcementi, Holcim, Vicat, etc.). In collaboration with the technical services of our customers, we have carried out numerous technical studies to improve the resistance of mechanical components. We have thus participated in optimizing the performance of the facilities concerned. With our experience, we are able to identify existing equipment and provide a competitive alternative to traditional suppliers. We also guarantee the performance of our supplies and their compatibility with the facilities for which they are intended.

We are able to offer mechanical parts for

Forged chain conveyors

Tubular chain elevators

Marine chain elevators

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